
According to Tasan, when placed in an identical situation, all people feel the same emotions and have the same desires. Therefore when the self and the other are under the same circumstances, it is possible for the self to know what the other feels and desires by extrapolating from one’s own feelings and desires. These feelings and desires correspond to the ‘human mind (人心)’ of the Theory of the Human mind and the Tao mind (人心道心說). 'Consideration (shu 恕),' or putting oneself in the other’s place, means that the self will suppress its own 'human mind' through 'Tao mind,' fulfilling the desire of the other party, which must be the same as one’s own; the greater self (or great constitution, 大體) overcomes the lesser self (or small constitution, 小體). To ‘overcome oneself (克己),’ as Confucius expresses it, appears through such an act of consideration (恕). Ultimately, in the process of fulfilling benevolence (仁), consideration (恕) and the rituals (禮), are linked through overcoming oneself (克己). If one has cultivated oneself sufficiently, to the point of becoming a saint or a sage, consideration alone is enough for one to behave in the same manner as that required by rituals. However, for ordinary people, it is difficult to define and carry out the most appropriate behavior for achieving benevolence (仁) by employing consideration alone. Rituals complement consideration, and make up for any inadequacies in employing consideration alone, by providing guidelines for ordinary people to carry out the most appropriate actions; because, rituals are that which were provided beforehand through the consideration of saints and sages. Thus, in the process of achieving benevolence, consideration and rituals are combined in a complementary relationship.


Tasan (茶山), consideration (恕), rituals (禮), overcoming oneself (克己), theory of the human mind and Tao-mind (人心道心)


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