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Normative Principles of Application and Interpretation of the Preschool Screening System

The presence of adverse situations that may compromise the proper development of the child indicates the importance of having procedures that allow early identification of problems in the main cognitive areas responsible for learning. A development screening, still in the preschool phase, can offer kindergarten and early elementary school teachers the indication of work plans and pedagogical interventions that enhance positive responses, enabling, when applicable, to overcome deficit results . Objectives: To systematize the Preschool Screening System for early identification of signs of developmental delay, comparing results between Brazilian and North American children. Method: Observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study carried out in Early Childhood Education and Elementary School units in Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil. Investigated areas: Consciousness and Body Control, Visuoperceptive-motor and Language. Sampling: 411 children aged 4 to 6 years old. The scores were recorded in an electronic spreadsheet and in graphs of descriptive measures. Results: Comparison of the data obtained verified in which categories the results of Brazilian children were below, equivalent or above those achieved by North American children. Both in the Total Score of the Pre-School Screening System, and in each of its Subtests, there was a progressive increase in the results achieved by Brazilian children, as the age group grew. Conclusion: A practical, effective instrument, easy to understand and quickly applied to assess cognitive areas responsible for learning, but which requires adaptations and norms according to the regional reality where it will be applied.

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Normative Principles of Application and Interpretation of the Preschool Screening System

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558312301011

  • Palavras-chave: Child development. Screening. Pedagogical Intervention. Learning.

  • Keywords: Child development. Screening. Pedagogical Intervention. Learning.

  • Abstract:

    The presence of adverse situations that may compromise the proper development of the child indicates the importance of having procedures that allow early identification of problems in the main cognitive areas responsible for learning. A development screening, still in the preschool phase, can offer kindergarten and early elementary school teachers the indication of work plans and pedagogical interventions that enhance positive responses, enabling, when applicable, to overcome deficit results . Objectives: To systematize the Preschool Screening System for early identification of signs of developmental delay, comparing results between Brazilian and North American children. Method: Observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study carried out in Early Childhood Education and Elementary School units in Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil. Investigated areas: Consciousness and Body Control, Visuoperceptive-motor and Language. Sampling: 411 children aged 4 to 6 years old. The scores were recorded in an electronic spreadsheet and in graphs of descriptive measures. Results: Comparison of the data obtained verified in which categories the results of Brazilian children were below, equivalent or above those achieved by North American children. Both in the Total Score of the Pre-School Screening System, and in each of its Subtests, there was a progressive increase in the results achieved by Brazilian children, as the age group grew. Conclusion: A practical, effective instrument, easy to understand and quickly applied to assess cognitive areas responsible for learning, but which requires adaptations and norms according to the regional reality where it will be applied.

  • Shiderlene Vieira de Almeida
  • Costa, Maria Tereza
  • Antoniuk, Sérgio Antonio
  • Shiderlene Vieria de Almeida
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