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Relational Factors That Influence Workplace Satisfaction in Brazilian Junior University Companies

The study of Junior Enterprises (JEs) is an important topic, as it is one of the main possibilities for university students to gain professional experience.  JEs managers do not have the traditional monetary incentives to motivate and bring satisfaction to the Junior Businessmen (JBs) in developing their daily tasks. Satisfaction theories based on relational elements developed after the mid-20th century sought to identify workplace satisfaction in the relationship between individuals. The Siqueira's EST Scale (2008) was used with 12 items that reflect the four constructs used in this research. The sample of 202 observations was analyzed through the SEM-CB methodology. The structural model results indicate that the main aspect for managers to observe is the work itself. This finding is fully aligned with JEs' role in providing the necessary experience not available in the market for the initial development of their careers.

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Relational Factors That Influence Workplace Satisfaction in Brazilian Junior University Companies

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.55822822050910

  • Palavras-chave: Junior Enterprises; Junior Businessmen; Structural Equation Modeling

  • Keywords: Junior Enterprises; Junior Businessmen; Structural Equation Modeling

  • Abstract:

    The study of Junior Enterprises (JEs) is an important topic, as it is one of the main possibilities for university students to gain professional experience.  JEs managers do not have the traditional monetary incentives to motivate and bring satisfaction to the Junior Businessmen (JBs) in developing their daily tasks. Satisfaction theories based on relational elements developed after the mid-20th century sought to identify workplace satisfaction in the relationship between individuals. The Siqueira's EST Scale (2008) was used with 12 items that reflect the four constructs used in this research. The sample of 202 observations was analyzed through the SEM-CB methodology. The structural model results indicate that the main aspect for managers to observe is the work itself. This finding is fully aligned with JEs' role in providing the necessary experience not available in the market for the initial development of their careers.

  • Ettore de Carvalho Oriol
  • Ádamo Fernandes de Lima Gonçalves
  • Heitor Militão
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