최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Review on the Function of COUNTERTERRORISM Intelligence Community in U.S

  • 87

Today, the role of intelligence agencies is changing in each country due to the paradigm shift in global anti-terror intelligence activities. In the United States, the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 changed the func-tioning of Intelligence Community. The U.S. counter-terrorism policy in the international community is related to the Intelligence Community(IC) and the intelligence management through the intelligence organization that per-forms the role is set as the most important task of the intelligence society reform. In order to address the lack of cooperation between intelligence agencies, which have been pointed out as the main cause of intelligence failure since 9/11, and the difficulties in carrying out effective intelligence activities, the United States has taken the position of Director of National Intelligence(DNI). In addition, the US intelligence community is developing as an intelligence knowledge creation organization by collecting, producing, analyzing, and distributing counterterrorism intelligence scattered in numerous intelligence organizations. In other words, through effective intelligence sharing and support among the intelligence agencies, it is performing counter-terrorism intelligence activities through cooperation and coordination by the abstract giant organization called Intelligence Community rather than counter-terrorism activity by a single specific intelligence agency. The US Intelligence Community is composed of 16 intelligence organizations, excluding the Office of the Di-rector of National Intelligence. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is leading the intelligence society. In order for the Intelligence Community to make comprehensive and active use of such intelligence resources, a consensus was formed, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence was established, huge budgets, people and work were gathered, and then the National Counterterrorism Center was established. This in-depth change of counter-terrorism intelligence agencies has a significant impact on not only the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) but also the changes of federal law enforcement agencies. Finally, counterterrorism intelligence activities to defend public well-being in the United States society protect civilians and cities from terrorist attacks, are an integral part of national defense in response to terrorism, and actively respond to the attacks of potential terrorists. It can be said that it is subject of expression.

1. Introduction

2. Intelligence Community for Counterterrorism

3. Office of the Director of National Intelligence(ODNI) and the National Counterterrorism Center(NCTC)

4. Conclusions and Suggestions
