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This article deals with language loyalty to Chuvash, a truly relic Turkic language, a titular language in the Chuvash Republic, yet mainly spread in diaspora groups. In case of this study it is a diaspora group, inhabiting Moscow and Moscow region. The survey is based on interviewing more than 100 Moscow diaspora members, who claim to be ethnic Chuvash. Apart from an ambiguous category of a native language of ethnic groups in Russia, the paper covers major aspects of ethnic and language loyalty manifested in such categories as A) endogamous marriage practices; B) the prestige and status of other languages as viewed by diaspora members; C) peculiarities of ethnic culture, music, cuisine, customs;wish to transmit this culture to future generations. We’ve noticed two major tendencies. Speakers would like to improve both symbolic and communicative potential of their language.

About the authors

Marina V Kucaeva

Moscow State Linguistic University

Author for correspondence.
Email: moscoop@yandex.ru

is the Graduate student of Department of Linguistic Semantics of Moscow State Linguistic University

Ostozhenka 38, b. 1, Moscow, Russia, 119034


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Copyright (c) 2017 Kucaeva M.V.

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