PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 364 - European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2019) - Searches for New Physics
The ILC as a natural SUSY discovery machine and precision microscope: From light higgsinos to tests of unification
S. Sasikumar*, H. Baer, M. Berggren, S.L. Lehtinen, J. List, K. Fujii, J. Yan and T. Tanabe
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Pre-published on: September 28, 2020
Published on: November 12, 2020
The requirement of electroweak naturalness in simple supersymmetric models motivates the existence of a cluster of four light higgsinos with mass $100 - 300$ GeV, the lighter the better. While such light compressed spectra may be challenging to observe at the LHC, future $e^+e^-$ colliders with $\sqrt{s} > 2$m(higgsino) would serve as both a SUSY discovery machine and a precision microscope. We study signatures of higgsino pair production at the ILC based on full, Geant4-based simulation of the ILD detector concept. We examine several benchmark scenarios that may or may not be accessible to HL-LHC searches, with mass differences between the higgsino states between 4 and 20 GeV. Assuming $\sqrt{s}\geq$ 500 GeV and $1000$ fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity, the individual higgsino masses can be measured to $1 - 2\%$ precision in case of the larger mass differences, and at the level of 5$\%$ for the smallest mass difference case. The higgsino mass splittings are sensitive to the electroweak gaugino masses and can allow extraction of gaugino masses to $3 - 20\%$ (depending on the model).Extrapolation of gaugino masses via renormalization group running can test the hypothesis of gaugino mass unification. We also examine a case with natural generalized mirage mediation where the unification of gaugino masses at an intermediate scale apparently gives rise to a natural SUSY spectrum somewhat beyond the reach of the HL-LHC.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.364.0596
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