Comparing Effects of Aerobics, Pilates Exercises and Low Calorie Diet on Leptin Levels and Lipid Profiles in Sedentary Women

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Sport Science, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobics, pilates exercises and low calorie diet on leptin levels and some lipid profiles and anthropometric factors in sedentary women.
Materials and Methods
Forty six women (age 36.41±3.47) were recruited and divided into four groups: aerobic exercise group (EX), Pilates exercise group (Pilates), low calorie diet (LCD) and control group (C). Sampling was random. Exercise trials consisted of 45 min of aerobics or Pilates exercise at 60-75% of maximum heart rate for 16 weeks. All subjects were asked to complete a medical examination as well as a medical questionnaire to ensure  that  they  were  not  taking  any  medication  and  were  free  of  any  diseases.  Waist  and  hip circumferences, leptin and lipid profiles (TG, TC, LDL-C, and HDL-C) were measured at baseline and at the end of the study.
The probability levels of significance were based on the two paired sample t-test and one way ANOVA. Significant was assigned at P< 0.05 for all analyses. Serum leptin concentrations (ng/dl) showed significant decrease (P< 0.05) in LCD (0.15±0.09), EX (0.37±0.06), Pilates (0.69±0.13) after 16 wk follow-up, and were different among experimental groups (P< 0.05), though in control group did not different significantly (P> 0.05). Significant reductions (P< 0.05) were found in waist-hip ratio (WHR) within LCD (0.733±0.07), EX (0.805±0.06), Pilates (0.768±0.054), and between experimental groups (P< 0.05). The blood profiles and lipoproteins didn’t change significantly in LCD, EX, Pilates and C groups (P> 0.05). The ratio of HDL- C/LDL-C increased significantly (P< 0.05) in LCD (0.815±0.104), EX (0.948±0.068), Pilates (0.753±0.139) and between experimental groups (P< 0.05).
In conclusion, serum leptin concentrations and waist-hip ratio (WHR) showed significant changes within and between exercise and diet groups. A combination of diet and exercise may be closely related to significant decreases in lipid profiles.


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