Secondary chronic gastric impaction after idiopathic muscular ileum hypertrophy in a horse

Secondary chronic gastric impaction after idiopathic muscular ileum hypertrophy in a horse

Sekundäre chronische Magenobstipation durch idiopathische muskuläre Ileumhypertrophie bei einem Pferd

Steinberg T, Hamann J, Deppenmeier S

DOI: 10.21836/PEM20070603
Year: 2007
Volume: 23
Issue: 6
Pages: 587-592

This paper describes a secondary chronic gastric obstipation following idiopathic muscular hypertrophy of the ileum with a 21 years old gelding (Haflinger horse). An inhibition of ingesta flow caused by hypertrophy of the ileum can lead to a secondary chronic gastric obstipation over a continuous term. At the beginning the symptoms are rather discreet and non-specific. With increasing filling of the stomach the clinics are considerable more significant. In the centre of attention are chronic colic symptoms like reduction of weight, anorexia, chewing, ructus and bruxism. The rectal examination can lead to suspicious diagnosis in later stage of illness. Gastroscopy, Sonography, Radiology can substantiate the diagnosis. The prognosis with a secondary chronic gastric obstipation is inconvenient. Possibilities of therapy are described.