Segment specific nerve supply of the equine hoof

Segment specific nerve supply of the equine hoof

Die segmentspezifische Nervenversorgung am Pferdehuf

Buda S, Budras K-D

DOI: 10.21836/PEM20050402
Year: 2005
Volume: 21
Issue: 4
Pages: 280-284

The nerve supply of the equine hoof plays an important role in sound digits as well as in the pathogenesis of hoof diseases. With regard to the literature, the macroscopic arborisation and distribution of the nerve fibre bundles was evaluated. Dissection studies were made on fixated equine limbs obtained from the anatomical dissection courses of the department. Photos were taken from the preparations and digitally treated to clarify relevant structures. For immunohistochemistry, samples were taken from two horses immediately after euthanasia. Antibodies against CGRP, a marker for sensory nerve fibres and TH, a marker for noradrenergic nerve fibres were used. The highest density of nerve fibres was found around small arteries at the base of the dermal papillary layer (dermal papillae in the solear and bulbar segment, dermal lamellae in the parietal segment). In this area, the regulation of the circulation and therefore the nutritional supply of the dermoepidermal modifications seems to be of crucial relevance. The demonstrated sensory nerve fibres release neuropeptides like CGRP after activation. Due to the fact that these neuropeptides provoke a neurogenic inflammation or at least aggravate a consisting inflammation, the management of pain should be taken into consideration not only because of animal welfare reasons but also to alleviate the inflammation itself. Lamellar corpuscles in the bulbar segment function as proprioceptors and provide a secure gait.