Clinical experience with the new sedative romifidine (Sedivet®) in horses

Clinical experience with the new sedative romifidine (Sedivet®) in horses

Klinische Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Sedativum Romifidin (Sedivet) beim Pferd

Keller H, Genzow M

DOI: 10.21836/PEM19940404
Year: 1994
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Pages: 253-258

A total of 94 horses were used in a field study investigating the sedarive efficacy of Sedivet® (1% romifidine) in carrying out diagnostic or therapeutic measures. 82 horses were treated once, 2 horses twice, 4 horses 3 times, 1 horse 4 times, 3 horses 8 times, 1 horse 9 times and I horse 11 times resulting in a total of 146 treatments. Romifidine was administered intravenously in dosages of 15 micro g to 83 micro g/kg body weight (bw). The intermediate and median dosages were 52 and 51 micro g/kg bw corresponding to 0.52 and 0.51 ml/100 kg bw Sedivet® respectively. The sedation lasted 20 to 75 minutes (mean value = 56,5 minutes, standard deviation (S)=7,94 minutes). The duration of the therapeutic and diagnostic measures was 3 to 45 minutes (mean values = 75,2 minutes, S = 7,55 minutes). All therapeutic or diagnostic procedured were carried out successfully as planned. In 47 cases the twitch was used as an additional means to hold the horse in place. In 46 cases the twitch was used as a routine safery measure; it had to be used as an additional restraint against the defence reactions of the sedated horse in only one case. Side effects such as staggering, sweating, kicking with the hindquarters, rearing, shaking of the head and hyperesthesia were observed in 6 horses. These are known side effects after the adminisrration of alpha2 agonists. The results obtained show thar Sedivet® is an effective sedative for diagnostic and therapeutic measures lasting for about 1 hour.