최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


A study on the Consumer s Perception shown in Book Purchasing

  • 41

本研究为了解消费者关于产品知觉上有着怎样的意识实施了问卷调 查。问卷调查是以最近1年间买过书籍的全国成年男女1178名为对 象,从2017年7月20到2017年7月24号截止实施了调查。结果显示, 一,女性比男性更重视作家名气和书本内容。二,越高年龄约重视作 家,出版社,有名税等要因。三,越高学历者越重视书名。四,越高 收入者越重视作家的名气。五,全职主妇更重视作家名声和出版社的 名气,而学生更重视书的设计,书名和书的内容等要因。以上则是通 过人口统计学的特性上反映出来的消费者对产品知觉的意识的不同。

This study was to identify consumers perceptions shown in book purchasing. Data were collected by a survey method from July 20th to 24th 2017. Sample was made of 1,178 people who purchased books in the last 1 year. Analyses showed following outcomes. First, female buyers placed more values on the writer s reputation and the book content, compared to male buyers. Second, older buyers more emphasized factors related with such factors as writer s reputations, publishing companies, popularities, etc., compared to younger buyers. Third, people with higher education put more highlights on book title, compared to their counterparts. Fourth, people earning higher incomes placed more values on writers reputations than those with lower incomes. Fifth, full-time house keepers considered more of such factors as writer s reputation, publishing company, popularity, and others, while students considered more of such factors as design, title, content and others. On the basis of these findings, we could understand that socio-economic characteristics may affect consumers perceptions.

1. 研究目的

2. 关于产品知觉的基存文献搜索

3. 研究方法

4. 分析结果

5. 结论
