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Introduction and Aim: Due to the increase involvement of social media in our daily activity, we conducted a survey to see the correlation between social media use and development of depression. Design of survey:A Questioner paper was filled by randomly selected individuals.Data was collected with a total number of 283 subject and was analyzed using SPSS software program. Results:According to our results, (45%) of the subjects (n=258) met the criteria of a depressive episode due to social media use. The data shows that there is no significant correlation between development of a depressive episode due to social media use and the other variables, except awareness, where there is a significant p value (p =0.04) and a negative r value (r = -0.128). Conclusion:We conclude that there is a link between development on a depressive episode from usage of social media and awareness, which signifies the importance of spreading public awareness on social media effect on psychological health.

[Abdulrahman Abuhaimed, Habeeb Al Habboubi, Abdullah Al Jabr, Abdullah Al Otaibi, Ali Al Najar, Badea Al Marzooq, Abdulrahman Al Mehrij, Fawaz Al Mulhim, Haider Al Herz, Mohammed Al Qahtani, MohannadAl Qahtani, Saud Al Ardhi and Yousef Al Marzouq. (2016); SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEPRESSIVE EPISODES. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Dec). 208-217] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

abdullah alotaibi


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/2384      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/2384