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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 27, 2019

Origin of Monte Rosa whiteschist from in-situ tourmaline and quartz oxygen isotope analysis by SIMS using new tourmaline reference materials

  • Katharina Marger EMAIL logo , Cindy Luisier , Lukas P. Baumgartner , Benita Putlitz , Barbara L. Dutrow , Anne-Sophie Bouvier and Andrea Dini
From the journal American Mineralogist


A series of tourmaline reference materials are developed for in situ oxygen isotope analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), which allow study of the tourmaline compositions found in most igneous and metamorphic rocks. The new reference material was applied to measure oxygen isotope composition of tourmaline from metagranite, meta-leucogranite, and whiteschist from the Monte Rosa nappe (Western Alps). The protolith and genesis of whiteschist are highly debated in the literature. Whiteschists occur as 10 to 50 m tube-like bodies within the Permian Monte Rosa granite. They consist of chloritoid, talc, phengite, and quartz, with local kyanite, garnet, tourmaline, and carbonates.

Whiteschist tourmaline is characterized by an igneous core and a dravitic overgrowth (XMg > 0.9). The core reveals similar chemical composition and zonation as meta-leucogranitic tourmaline (XMg = 0.25, δ18O = 11.3–11.5‰), proving their common origin. Dravitic overgrowths in whiteschists have lower oxygen isotope compositions (8.9–9.5‰). Tourmaline in metagranite is an intermediate schorl-dravite with XMg of 0.50. Oxygen isotope data reveal homogeneous composition for metagranite and meta-leucogranite tourmalines of 10.4–11.3‰ and 11.0–11.9‰, respectively. Quartz inclusions in both meta-igneous rocks show the same oxygen isotopic composition as the quartz in the matrix (13.6–13.9‰). In whiteschist the oxygen isotope composition of quartz included in tourmaline cores lost their igneous signature, having the same values as quartz in the matrix (11.4–11.7‰). A network of small fractures filled with dravitic tourmaline can be observed in the igneous core and suggested to serve as a connection between included quartz and matrix, and lead to recrystallization of the inclusion. In contrast, the igneous core of the whiteschist tourmaline fully retained its magmatic oxygen isotope signature, indicating oxygen diffusion is extremely slow in tourmaline. Tourmaline included in high-pressure chloritoid shows the characteristic dravitic overgrowth, demonstrating that chloritoid grew after the metasomatism responsible for the whiteschist formation, but continued to grow during the Alpine metamorphism. Our data on tourmaline and quartz show that tourmaline-bearing whiteschists originated from the related meta-leucogranites, which were locally altered by late magmatic hydrothermal fluids prior to Alpine high-pressure metamorphism.

Orcid 0000-0002-9852-4069


We thank Torsten Vennemann for generous access to the stable isotope laboratory. We thank Laurent Nicod for preparation of excellent thin sections. Martin Robyr assisted us with the EMP and Pierre Vonlanthen with the SEM. We also thank Florence Bégué and Florent Plane for their help with the tuning of the SIMS. Darrell Henry is thanked for providing input on various aspects of this project and for suggesting the quartz inclusion in tourmaline study. Thoughtful and constructive reviews by Horst Marschall and Simon Harley improved the manuscript and are gratefully acknowledged.

  1. Funding

    We gratefully acknowledge funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grants 200020-153094 and 200020-172513 supported research by K.M. and 200021-165756 supporting research by C.L. B.D. gratefully acknowledges the support of the Herbette Foundation and the Swiss National Science Foundation— International Short Visit program that facilitated her sabbatical research on tourmaline and SIMS work at University of Lausanne, and the NSF EAR-1551434 that facilitated portions of this study.

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Received: 2019-02-20
Accepted: 2019-06-17
Published Online: 2019-09-27
Published in Print: 2019-10-25

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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