
Infectious Diseases

Association between the duration of hepatitis C and activity and stage of liver fibrosis

Objective: to assess the impact of the time of hepatitis C infection on the probability of liver fibrosis (according to epidemiological and immunological parameters).
Patients and methods. This study was performed at the Clinical Department of Infectious Pathology, Research Institute of Epidemiology, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing. It included 153 patients with chronic hepatitis C. The diagnosis was based on epidemiological and clinical data, as well as on the results of laboratory testing (including typical changes in liver function tests and hepatitis C markers detected using ELISA, PCR, and fibroelastography).
Results. Severe liver fibrosis (stage F3–F4) was associated with the time of infection identified by both epidemiological data and anti-HCV antibody detection. In the first case, pronounced fibrosis was absent for 10 years, whereas in the second case (when the detection of specific antibodies was considered as the disease onset), similar stage of fibrosis was detected in the first five years of disease. Therefore, more careful collection of epidemiological data is crucial for early diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C and early treatment initiation.
Key words: chronic hepatitis C, epidemiological case history, specific antibodies, liver fibrosis
For citation: Makashova V.V., Tutelyan A.V., Shabalina S.V. Association between the duration of hepatitis C and activity and stage of liver fibrosis. Infekc. bolezni (Infectious diseases). 2020; 18(3): 56–61. (In Russian). DOI: 10.20953/1729-9225-2020-3-56-61
