
Pediatric Nutrition

Quinoa – a new plant food for infant nutrition

The article is an overview of the use of the pseudo-cereal quinoa as a new food in Russia. It summarizes the results of a
comprehensive study of the nutritional value of quinoa, including the analysis of protein, fat, carbohydrate and vitamin-mineral components, based on the works of Russian and international authors. It describes the potentially nutritionally beneficial properties of food products containing quinoa, and substantiates approaches to the use of quinoa in rational nutrition of infants.
Key words: quinoa, infants, supplementary foods, protein, gluten, dietary fiber.

For citation: Pyr’eva E.A., Gurchenkova M.A., Netunaeva E.A., Skidan I.N. Quinoa – a new plant food for infant nutrition. Vopr. det. dietol. (Pediatric Nutrition). 2019; 17(4): 24–32. (In Russian). DOI: 10.20953/1727-5784-2019-4-24-32
