
Pediatric Nutrition

Prevalence and risk factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease in overweight and obese children

The objective. Assessment of the prevalence and significance of risk factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in children depending on the degree of overweight.

Patients and methods. The examination included 219 children, suffering from chronic gastritis, 147 (67.1%) of them were diagnosed with GERD. The examined children were divided into 3 groups: children with normal weight (group 1, n = 101), overweight (group 2, n = 54) and obese children (group 3, n = 64). All children underwent EGD, combined 24-hour oesophageal рН-impedance monitoring. Also the patients’ actual nutrition in home settings was studied using a computer programmequestionnaire «Analysis of human nutrition» (version 1.2 GU Nutrition Institute RAMS, 2003–2005).

Results. A comparison of patients with or without GERD has not found differences between groups, subdivided according to BMI Z-score. In group 1, GERD was diagnosed in 68 (67.3%) children, in group 2 in 39 (72.2%) and in group 3 in 40 (62.5%), р = 0.250. Sex-specific influences on the possibility of development of GERD were noted in normal-weight and overweight patients. In group 1, there were more boys with GERD, odds ratio (OR) 1.4 [1.1; 2.0], in group 2 – OR – 1.2 [0.9; 1.8], in group 3 OR – 1.1 [0.9; 1.5]. Nutritive factors associated with a greater probability of developing GERD in children are a higher energy value of the diet, total fat consumption, and also a lower intake of fibers.

Conclusion. Risk factors of the development of GERD in children differ and depend on parameters of physical development. The influence of the gender factor on the probability of the development of GERD decreases with an increase of the BMI Z-score.

Key words: gastroesophageal reflux disease, children, body mass index, nutrition, risk factors.

For citation: Borodina G.V., Strokova T.V., Pavlovskaya E.V., Surkov A.G., Bagaeva M.E., Zubovich A.I., Taran N.N. Prevalence and risk factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease in overweight and obese children. Vopr. det. dietol. (Pediatric Nutrition). 2017; 15(6): 31–36. (In Russian).
DOI: 10.20953/1727-5784-2017-6-31-36
