
Gynecology, Obstetrics and Perinatology

Rare forms of vaginal diseases in women after panhysterectomy

The article presents clinical observations of the development of precancerous conditions of the vaginal vault, and also squamous cell cancer in women after panhysterectomy. The examination included: comprehensive vaginoscopy, cytological examination of vaginal wall smears, human papillomavirus test, histological examination of bioplates.
Conclusion. Panhysterectomy does not guarantee the absence of precancerous lesions of the vagina or vaginal cancer. Therefore, routine screening (cytology, testing for high-risk human papillomavirus, vaginoscopy) should be continued in women after panhysterectomy with a history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasias for at least 20 years, even in women older than 65 years. 
Key words: vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia, human papillomavirus, panhysterectomy, papillomavirus infection, cervical cancer, photodynamic therapy
For citation: Zarochentseva N.V., Krasnopolskiy V.I., Misyukevich О.А., Barinova I.V., Mgeliashvili М.V., Rovinskaya О.V. Rare forms of vaginal diseases in women after panhysterectomy. Vopr. ginekol. akus. perinatol. (Gynecology, Obstetrics and Perinatology). 2020; 19(5): 150–155. (In Russian). DOI: 10.20953/ 1726-1678-2020-5-150-155

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