Online ISSN : 2424-1555
Print ISSN : 1340-7902
6. 低温馴化によるシラカンバ木部放射柔細胞の細胞壁の変化(平成11年度第45回低温生物工学会研究報告)
久保田 勝利荒川 圭太黒田 克史藤川 清三
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 45 巻 2 号 p. 124-127


In this study, we examined freezing behavior of birch xylem ray parenchyma cells. In fresh samples, summer cells exhibited supercooling to around -15℃ and winter cells exhibited it to around -50℃. In samples where the plasma membranes were destructed by freeze-thawing, summer cells still exhibited supercooling to around -10℃ and winter cells exhibited it to around -30℃, showing that cell walls are responsible, at least partially, for supercooling and that cold acclimation alters the property of supercooling ability of the cell walls. As one of possible causes of the cell wall changes, we examined effects of cell wall-bounding proteins. The result showed that extraction of proteins from cell walls altered the freezing behavior of xylem ray parenchyma cells.

© 1999 低温生物工学会
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