Recent Advances in Pharmacological and Phytochemistry Studies on Phyllanthus amarus

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Mansi Gupta
J S Vaghela


The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of various diseases has been increased due to minimum side effect compared to synthetic drug. Further the herbal products are considered as safe drugs. Phyllanthus amarus claimed tribal people for remedy of different diseases namely diarrhoea, dysentery, dropsy, jaundice, intermittent fevers, kidney problems, urinary bladder disturbances, pain, gonorrhea, diabetes, urogenital disorders, chronic dysentery, skin ulcers, sores, swelling, itchiness, tubercular ulcers, ringworm, scabies and wounds. Phyllanthus amarus contains isobubbialine, epibubbialine, securinine, nor-securinine, dihydrosecurinine, geraniin, corilagin, 1,6-digalloylglucopyranoside rutin , quercetin3-O-glucopyranoside, amarulone, niranthin, nirtetralin, phyltetralin, hypophyllanthin, phyllanthin, hypo-phyllanthin, demethylenedioxy-niranthin, kaempferol, astragalin, etc chemical constituents in its different parts. The extract of Phyllanthus amarus retains multiple pharmacological activities such as Anticarcinogenic, Antiproliferative, Gastroprotective, Cardioprotective, Antileptospiral, Antibacterial, Antidiabetic, Antiviral, Antivenom, Antiinflammatory etc. We planned to illustrate the recent studies appeared in Phytochemisty and Pharmacological activities of Phyllanthus amarus in order to highlight its multi-activity properties.

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How to Cite
Mansi Gupta, & J S Vaghela. (2019). Recent Advances in Pharmacological and Phytochemistry Studies on Phyllanthus amarus. Pharmaceutical and Biosciences Journal, 01-08.