Knowledge Network Node

Restoration of minimum cascade mobile for wireless sensor networksChinese Full TextEnglish Full Text (MT)

WU Hao;CHEN Wenbai;HAO Cui;MA Hang;School of Automation, Beijing Information Science and Technology University;Beijing Provincial Key Lab.of Wireless Communication Technologies;

Abstract: Aiming at the problem of connectivity failure caused by node failure in complex application scenarios of wireless sensor networks, a restoration method of minimum cascade mobility is proposed. When a node in the network fails, the cut point detection algorithm is used to determine whether the failed node affects the network connectivity. If the failure node is a cut point, it is considered that the node has a great impact on the network connectivity and needs to be restored. If the distance between the neighbor nodes of the failed node is less than or equal to the communication radius of the node, the network is restored by directly establishing communication links between the neighbor nodes. If the distance between the neighbor nodes of the failed node is greater than the communication radius of the node, the best candidate node is selected by the degree of node and the Euclidean distance between nodes, and the location to be moved is calculated by the communication radius and the location of the neighbor node. After the best candidate node moves to the location, it establishes a communication link with other neighbor nodes. Experimental results show that this method can effectively restore the network after the node failure. In the process of restoration, this method reduces the moving distance of the restoration node, reduces the energy loss of the restoration node, and prolongs the network life.
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  • Series:

    (I) Electronic Technology & Information Science

  • Subject:

    Automation Technology; Telecom Technology

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