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임차인의 자산제약 및 주거선호가 전ㆍ월세 선택에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Tenant Assets and Residential Preferences on the Choice between Chonsei and Monthly Rent
김유연 ( Kim Yu Yeon ) , 성은영 ( Seong Eun Yeong ) , 최창규 ( Choi Chang Gyu )
DOI 10.19172/KREAA.22.4.2
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-000501353

This study aims to analyze the impact of tenants` limited assets on their choice between Chonsei and Monthly Rent. Additionally, an empirical study of tenants` diverse housing preference factors (residential/ housing location) was conducted. This study confirms that asset availability affects tenants` choice of Chonsei or Monthly Rent, but their choices differ depending on the amount of assets available. The variable, total assets, exerted the most significant positive (+) influence in favor of Chonsei, whereas current assets and consumption expenditures exerted negative (-) influences against Chonsei. In addition, the housing preference variable was found to exert a partial influence on the choice between chonsei (full deposit upfront) and rental housing. Tenants choosing Chonsei arrangements emphasize proximity to workplace, residential environment, and apt. building characteristics, whereas those choosing monthly rental arrangements emphasize neighborhood convenience and amenities, safety, environmental factors, as well as built-in home amenities. This study confirms that asset-related factors such as current assets and consumption expenditures do exert a statistically significant influence on consumers` choice between chonsei and monthly-rental housing arrangements.

I. 서론
II. 이론 및 선행연구 고찰
III. 자료수집 및 분석의 틀 설정
IV. 임차인의 전ㆍ월세 선택 실증분석
V. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]