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This aricle expands scholarship on intimate partner violence in Ghana by discussing what should be done to stop it, using data from the Northern region. The data came from 53 survey participants who provided useful responses to an open question: “what should we do to stop intimate partner violence”? The 53 respondents were part of 443 women non-randomly sampled at public health centers across the region to participate in a survey on intimate partner violence. Although the survey used a questionnaire, responses to the open question constituted qualitative data for this article. All 53 written responses were typed out verbatim into a Microsoft word document to generate a transcript for analysis. Responses entered in the transcript were numbered to distinguish one from another. Each numbered unit of text represented the complete response of a participant. Data were content-analyzed and reduced to five meaning categories for interpretation and conclusion-drawing. These are: provide behavior change support to couples; institute and enforce legal sanctions against perpetrators; empower women; provide public education for social change; and pray and preach against violence. Discussion of the findings is situated within discourse analysis and the article concludes with a note on implications for policy and practice.

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