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KCI 등재
직업으로서의 게사쿠샤(戯作者) - 에도(江戸)시대 대중 작가의 직업 인식과 부업 -
일본어문학 90권 3-19(17pages)
DOI 10.18704/kjjll.2021.9.90.3
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2022-800-000731088


In the Edo period, writers lived on side jobs rather than conducting economic activities in return for their work. Writers at that time, called Gesakusha in literary history, were engaged in both double-tasking and side-tasking, producing works and selling goods at the same time. For them, literary works were their own literary creations. However, conversely, they were also commodities. Additionally, because the manuscript fee was not high, it was a fact of life for them to co-operate and sideline. Thus, most Gesakusha sold drugs and cosmetics on the side and advertised them in books. Eventually, they followed the economic logic of holding a double or side job besides writing to earn their income. This situation held not only for writers but also for the ruling warriors, who might have run terakoya (“temple schools”) or sold local specialties as a side job. Although lower-level officials mainly sought economic benefits through side jobs, farmers also worked concurrently by making or selling products.

1. 들어가며
2. 게사쿠샤의 직업
3. 게사쿠샤의 직업 인식
4. 게사쿠샤의 부업
5. 나오며
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]