
Transformation of the spiritual life of society in the conditions of the technosphere

Authors: Dolmatova M.A.
Published in issue: #12(65)/2021
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-12-755

Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences

Keywords: technosphere, information, technology, globalization, culture, spiritual life, social dynamics, modern society
Published: 15.12.2021

The paper presents the analysis results of the dynamics of the main aspects of the society spiritual life under the influence of the technosphere and scientific and technological progress, as well as examples of fundamental changes in the life of an individual. The advantages that have appeared to mankind due to the development of new technologies are shown, a comparison is made of similar provisions before and after the formation of the technosphere, and statistics on this issue are presented. The main modern trends and tendencies that significantly affect the opinion and behavior of both society and a particular individual are considered. Attention is also paid to the influence of technology development on culture and the influence of the technosphere on modern life in a pandemic.


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