
The purpose of this research was to determine if the staff members of group homes for people with dementia can continue providing dementia care services after the occurrence of a natural disaster. The research dealt with such staff members’ transport challenges and work conditions amidst the damages wrought by a natural disaster, based on actual experiences of natural disasters. Recently, many Japanese experienced living as refugees due to the large-scale blackout or cutting off of their lifeline after the occurrence of natural disasters, such as amidst the repeated damages from storms and floods after the onslaught of typhoons, amidst the flood damages caused by concentrated torrential rainfall, and amidst the damages caused by earthquakes. Disaster prevention awareness and countermeasures against natural disasters in the social welfare facilities where many weak people vulnerable to natural disasters have sought refuge have come to the fore as urgent issues because due to the climate change caused by global warming, there is no way of knowing when and where disasters will strike. Accordingly, local autonomous entities and social welfare councils are taking measures to determine the actual status of disaster prevention in the country. Also, as elderly people with dementia cannot by themselves alone survive fires like those that occurred in the group homes for people with dementia in Nagasaki Omura in January 2006 and in Hokkaido Sapporo in March 2010, as well as other natural disasters, it is important to secure safety in such facilities during disasters and to prepare facilities such as spring coolers so as to maintain a residential environment that resembles a home environment and to enable the elderly people with dementia to continue living in a community even amidst the damages wrought by a natural disaster. Meanwhile, in the investigation report, the necessity of providing education to the staff members of group homes for people with dementia regarding what to do when a disaster strikes, particularly in relation to the community, including requesting for help from the neighboring houses, was raised. Also mentioned in the report was the fact that in an aging society like that of Korea, it is difficult to come up with adequate relief resources for homes for the elderly due to the increase in the number of elderly people who are vulnerable to natural disasters.


介護老人福祉施設, 認知症グループホーム, 自然災害


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