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Литолого-геохимическая характеристика доманиковых отложений Тимано-Печорского бассейна

Т.А. Кирюхина, М.А. Большакова, А.В. Ступакова, Н.И. Коробова, Н.В. Пронина, Р.С. Сауткин, А.А. Суслова, В.В. Мальцев, И.Э. Сливко, М.C. Лужбина, И.А. Санникова, Д.А. Пушкарева, В.В. Чупахина, А.П. Завьялова

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.18599/grs.61.2.8


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Timan-Pechora Basin is the region of the oldest Russian gas and oil fields but its potential is still significant because of oil presence in source rocks of domanic formation (middle Frasnian- Tournaisian sediments) rich with organic matter (OM). Oil from such kind of rocks is usually called “shale oil”. Complex of different methods of lithology (litho-facies analysis), coal petrography and geochemistry (Rock-Eval 6, GC, GCMS) was used for this work. More than 300 domanic source rocks samples from outcrops and well cores were analyzed. Typical middle Frasnian, upper Frasnian and lower Famenian upper Devonian sections were described and characterized. Main attention was put to sediments of three zones: deep water depression, slope of depression and progradation terrace. It is shown that OM concentrations in domanic (middle Frasnian) sediments of deep water depression facies are much higher than in domanicoids- (‘similar to domanic’) sediments of upper Frasnian and lower Famenian age. OM of domanic deposits is presented by three types of matter according to results of coal petrography. The first type (A) is the redeposited vitrinite in the form of isolated grains of different sizes, sometimes with signs of rounding. In the samples it occurs in the form of small fragments and scraps. The second type (B) is the residual autochthonous material which is very diverse in its form (it could be in the form of scraps, debris, thin, discontinuous threads or could fill all space between the grains). If this type of OM is presented by large enough clusters, they can be used for reflectance measurement.The third type of ОМ (C) is presented by bioclasts, they stayed in sediments and inherited shapes of organisms or its particles. Domanic formation is in oil window almost in all studied area of Timan-Pechora Basin. Maturity level corresponds with tectonic zones. Highly maturated rocks are confined with negative tectonic elements. Extraction of bitumens from domanic source rocks confirmed that soluble OM is autochthonous. Hydrocarbon composition of extracts corresponds well to both lithological characteristics and rocks maturity. Coal petrography also confirms that OM is autochthonous. Chromatograms of domanic extracts are quite variable but could be explained by diversity of domanic rocks lithology. Maturity-dependent biomarker parameters support pyrolysis results and coal petrography measurements.

доманик, Тимано-Печора, литолого-фациальная характеристика, углепетрография, сланцевая нефть

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Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, г. Москва

Для цитирования:

Кирюхина Т.А., Большакова М.А., Ступакова А.В., Коробова Н.И., Пронина Н.В., Сауткин Р.С., Суслова А.А., Мальцев В.В., Сливко И.Э., Лужбина М.C., Санникова И.А., Пушкарева Д.А., Чупахина В.В., Завьялова А.П. Литолого-геохимическая характеристика доманиковых отложений Тимано-Печорского бассейна. Георесурсы. № 2(61). 2015. С. 87-100.

For citation:

Kiryukhina T.A., Bol'shakova M.A., Stoupakova A.V., Korobova N.I., Pronina N.V., Sautkin R.S., Suslova A.A., Mal'tsev V.V., Slivko I.E., Luzhbina M.C., Sannikova I.A., Pushkareva D.A., Chupakhina V.V., Zav'yalova A.P. Lithological and geochemical characteristics of domanic deposits of Timan-Pechora Basin. Georesursy [Georesources]. No. 2(61). 2015. Pp. 87-100.