Algorithmic Efficiency of Stroke Gesture Recognizers: a Comparative Analysis

Ana Belén Erazo (1), Jorge Luis Pérez Medina (2)
(1) Intelligent and Interactive Systems Lab (SI2-Lab), Universidad de Las Américas (UDLA), Quito, 170504, Ecuador
(2) Intelligent and Interactive Systems Lab (SI2-Lab), Universidad de Las Américas (UDLA), Quito, 170504, Ecuador
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Erazo, Ana Belén, and Jorge Luis Pérez Medina. “Algorithmic Efficiency of Stroke Gesture Recognizers: A Comparative Analysis”. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 10, no. 2, Mar. 2020, pp. 438-46, doi:10.18517/ijaseit.10.2.10807.
Gesture interaction is today recognized as a natural, intuitive way to execute commands of an interactive system. For this purpose, several stroke gesture recognizers become more efficient in recognizing end-user gestures from a training set. Although the rate algorithms propose their rates of return there is a deficiency in knowing which is the most recommended algorithm for its use. In the same way, the experiments known by the most successful algorithms have been carried out under different conditions, resulting in non-comparable results. To better understand their respective algorithmic efficiency, this paper compares the recognition rate, the error rate, and the recognition time of five reference stroke gesture recognition algorithms, i.e., $1, $P, $Q, !FTL, and Penny Pincher, on three diverse gesture sets, i.e., NicIcon, HHReco, and Utopiano Alphabet, in a user-independent scenario. Similar conditions were applied to all algorithms, to be executed under the same characteristics. For the algorithms studied, the method agreed to evaluate the error rate and performance rate, as well as the execution time of each of these algorithms. A software testing environment was developed in JavaScript to perform the comparative analysis. The results of this analysis help recommending a recognizer where it turns out to be the most efficient. !FTL (NLSD) is the best recognition rate and the most efficient algorithm for the HHreco and NicIcon datasets. However, Penny Pincher was the faster algorithm for HHreco datasets. Finally, $1 obtained the best recognition rate for the Utopiano Alphabet dataset.

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