The Post-Conciliar Restoration of the Liturgical Calendar and Its Reception in the Kielce Diocese

  • Mirosław Kowalski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: Roman Calendar; particularistic calendar; liturgical year; reform; worship; blesses; mystery


The Second Vatican Council in its teaching emphasises that Liturgy of the Church celebrated in the sequence of the liturgical year, is a commemoration of the saving work accomplished by Christ. To this saving work of the Son of God able to express themselves fully Council Fathers postulate, among other things, reform of liturgical calendar. This reform, in turn, is closely related to the new edition of “Roman Missal” and “Liturgy of the Hours.” The arrangement of new liturgical books and texts included in them, make it possible to clarify the specific whole Paschal Mystery of Christ which focuses on the meaning of existence and activity of the Church. Successive stages of the liturgical reform, taking place by the activities set up for the task committee – both at the Holy See and the diocese. The above text contains general remarks concerning developing of Roman Calendar, and the demands of Second Vatican Council concerning the update and the reform of the Calendar. In the next part has been displayed a realization of these demands in the post-conciliar documents. On the basis of the texts preserved in the Archives of the Diocese of Kielce has been shown reception of indications which concern the issue of the particularistic calendar in the Kielce diocese.


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