Creation and Denomination—Translation and Re-Denomination: Two Assimilable Cognitive Approaches. Analysis of Denominations of Budgerigars in French, German and Polish

  • Célia Bernez Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Keywords: trilingual comparable corpora; compound terms; semantic relation; denominative approach; specialized terminology; translation difficulties


This article based on the results of a comparative analysis (French, German, Polish) of denominations of budgerigars points out some difficulties translators have to face, especially when they need to choose between several terms, in either the source language or the target language. To select an equivalent term they ‘redraw’ the way that the creators of words in the compared languages follow right up to lexicalization. The pragmatic process during the search for an equivalent term is thus similar to the search leading to the creation of the word : translation is a kind of re-denomination.


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