
This paper examined the influence of interdisciplinary education on technology and society over engineering identities of male andfemale students. For this purpose, we analyzed survey and essays of UNIST students who took the course of <Evolution of Civilization>in 2013. Favorable feeling toward engineers, satisfaction with future career as engineers, positive regards of engineers' contribution tosociety increased to a statistically significant level within the group of female students who took the course. Interestingly, male studentsalso formed more positive engineering identities after taking the course. Gender difference in engineering identities, which was statisticallysignificant within the control group of non-takers, disappeared within students who took the course. Both male and female studentslearned to perceive engineering as a goal-oriented and contextualized exercises that can materialize new social values. In conclusion,interdisciplinary education on technology and society can make positive impacts on students' formation of engineering identities andsense of commitment.


Technology and Society, Interdisciplinary Education, Evolution of Civilization, Engineering Identities, Gender Difference


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