
Wang Shi-zhen is one of the most known leaders of the Ming Dynasty in China due to his works contributing to the Seven Poetry School. Studies have shown that throughout Shi-Zhen’s career, he developed his style of writing from focusing on the language and presentation through restoration to focusing on content. This change in style, which is evident in the works of Shi-zhen, has been discussed repeatedly. In “Wang Shi-zhen Biography”(Ming of China history booksㆍBiography of Wang Shi- zhen), it was stated: “The holding of, the text will be Han, on Poetry, do not read the book after a large calendar. And too much embellishment.” In his final years, Shi-zhen resorted to writing in a mundane style due to the lack approval from his colleagues. Even physical risk couldn’t stop Shi-zhen from reading; he was still holding his book while he was gravely sick, when Liu Feng visited him. Although there were considerable amounts of studies on this important issue, through my own interpretations, I intended to participate in these studies of Shi-zhen’s literature, hoping to find a deeper understanding no yet discovered in previous studies. This essay is composed of Shi Zhen’s criticism of Li Panlong, criticism of Restoration and self-awareness, compromise of the poetry of ideas, the concept of the Su evaluate changes in thrall to the Buddhist view of his literary issues such as this discussion paper and finally a more focused discussion of the concept of change during the problem Shizhen poetry. The majority of this text is focused on the development of the literature style of Shi-Zhen’s poetry in his later years. A development that lasted for years, Wood, a Japanese analyst of Shi-zhen’s work claims that it was not only in the “occasion of illness.” that Shi-zhen’s work began developing. Wood’s research shows that at the age of fifty, Shi-zhen began changing the writing style used in his poetry. Shi-zhen passed away at the age of sixty five, which would give him a fifteen year developing period, however, I believe his developing period was more gradual, therefore, I suggest it began at the age of forty five, however truly intensified at the age of fifty. As a result, I believe Shi-zhen’s poetry had a gradual process of development.


Restoration, View Poems and prose written in the classical literary style, Buddhism, Change


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  2. [단행본] 王世贞 / 1960 / 弇州山人续稿 / 文海出版社影印崇祯间刊本

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  11. [단행본] 李攀龙 / 沧冥先生集 / 世界书局影印本

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