An Attitude of Subcarpathian’s Residents to Sustainable Solutions for Urban Transport

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Sustainable development is a concept that appears more frequently in the context of urbanized cities. Rational management of city logistics and urban population change of consciousness becomes a priority. The purpose of this publication is to emphasize the need for changes in city logistics, to characterize the concept of sustainable transport and to present the results of research on: the views of residents of Podkarpacie on choosing alternatives to the car, and urban transport concept. The research process was conducted in two stages. The first stage of the research was conducted in 2014 within its scope included the study compared the inhabitants of Podkarpacie to sustainable forms of transport. The second stage of the study carried out in 2015 was designed to examine whether the implementation of Intelligent Public Transport Management System, has changed the ratio of respondents to sustainable transport.





Online since:

January 2016



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