
Concerning the usage of Korean-Japanese postposition, this research aims to consider the character by organizing the usage around “~e daehayeo” and “ni tsuite” and comparing that with case markers ‘eul’ and “o” of the same function word. As a result, “~e daehayeo” and 「ni tsuite」 were in use as ‘thema usages’ that signifies the previous constituent with ‘thema’ by coupling those with a thing that signifies the intellectual act in the ending constituent. ‘Thema usages’ could be divided into ‘thema and opinion usages’ and ‘thema and partial usages’. Thus, “~e daehayeo” was in use at the usage such as “ni tsuite“ in almost most cases. This will be able to feel “~e daehayeo” is influenced by “ni tsuite” as mentioned in 朴宣映(2006). And when the previous constituent combines with ‘discourse verb’ or ‘thinking verb’ to signify ‘thema’, Japanese has a restriction which has to abstract that by adding “nokoto” in cases of mainly a person or a group who people belong to etc out of concrete objects. But there is no such a restriction in Korean. This can be due to the meaning feature of Japanese verbs. Case markers ‘eul’ and “o” were in use as ‘object usages’ but, while ‘eul’ was easy to be used in case that the previous constituent was ‘a instruction object’, ‘a instruction sentence’, “o” was different depending on a character of a thing in the previous constituent. In other wise, when the previous constituent was comprehensive topics, “~e daehayeo” and “ni tsuite” were easy to be used and when the previous constituent was a concrete reference or object, case markers ‘eul’ and “o” were. Both languages in elements determining a postposition and a case marker are influenced by the ending constituent’s character, but it could be found that they are restrictive and preferably easy to be determined by the previous constituent.


후치사, 「에 대하여」 「について」, 격조사 「을」, 「を」, ‘테마용법’, ‘테마와 견해용법’, ‘테마와 부분용법’, ‘대상용법’


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