
This paper analyzed firstly the aspects and characteristics of the traditional Korean fishery and Japaneses' fishery as described in The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries published by the Korean Empire in 1908. The 'capitalistic development of fishery' of the traditional Korean fishery in the late Korean Empire, which had been going internally since the latter part of the Chosun Dynasty, was threatened by both Japanese fishermen's entry into the Korean peninsula coastal waters and the creation of markets for Japaneses, but on the other hand various possibilities were also coexisting with them, like the one of the provision of a new chance. Meanwhile the Japaneses' fishery at that time was also trying to pioneer and expand a market for Koreans. That was a violation of the traditional fishery area of Koreans, inevitably leading to a dispute with Korean fishermen. This dispute between the traditional fishery and Japaneses' fishery came to take a different appearance, that of a direct attack by loyal troops after 1907. The publication of The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries in 1908 is related to the 'Fishery Law' proclaimed in the following year, 1909. The appearance of the change of the traditional fishery and Japaneses' fishery in the Korean peninsula coastal waters called for the abolition of the existing system of Korea-Japan fisheries agreement and the establishment of a new system which ensures the fishery rights of Japanese fishermen. The publication of The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries in 1908 can be said to be significant, therefore, in making a preliminary investigation and accumulating the data on the fishing practices in those days for the proclamation of the ‘Fishery Law’ of 1909.


『韓國水産誌』, 어업법, 조선인 전통어업, 일본인 어업, 의병. 어업분쟁


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