
Ever since inauguration of the participatory government on February 25th, 2003, the government has continuously practices conceptions related to the Northeast Asia era conforming to the administrative goal of ‘the Northeast Asia era of peace and prosperity.’ In line with that, discussions on exchanges of culture and arts and cultural industry has also been made, but since they haven’t been made within accurate research on the situation, the distances between vague nationalism and commercialism has been narrowed even a bit. Therefore, this study intended to clarify examined issues of exchange through accurate research and analysis based on results of the Northeast Asia cultural contents development report, which was made as a part of sectional follow-up measure of June, 2006’s social and cultural cooperation conception in the Northeast Asia and suggest its alternatives. The subjects in this study are film and TV series, representative cultural contents in forming Korean Wave. Research was progressed by obtaining accurate numerical values ranging over internet website, various research report, etc, analyzing them, and drawing conclusion. After that, based on drawn results, accurate issues of exchange were clarifies, and alternatives were suggested. As the results, it was found out that in film section, there had been active exchange in film between Korea and Japan before 2006, but since 2006, it has decreased sharply. This corresponds to recession of Korean film, and it was known that during the period when many good films were made, exchange was also made actively. In case of China, joint films of Korea-China have been made from time to time, but any actual exchange is insignificant due to piracy. In TV series, fever for Korean TV series started with the broadcasting of <Winter Sonata> in Japan, 2003. Recently, however, the popularity is cooling down due to cliché storyline. On the contrary, in China, <Autumn Fairy Tale> gained bigger responses than <Winter Sonata>. However, these research results obtained by survey cannot be fully trusted. It can be also known from the fact that responses from surveyed are sometimes contrastive. TV series is a work of art which possesses vitality by impressing its viewers, and it cannot be simply evaluated with a few classifying standards. In the end, in order to continue Korea Wave, cultural contents industry has to be approached from the aspect of art works’ exchange instead from economic aspect.


동북아 공동체, 문화예술 교류, 문화콘텐츠, 한국 영화, 한국 드라마, <가을동화>


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