
This paper analyses the storytelling of historical novels and computer games of Samgukji (The English title is “Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”). Samgukji is the official and authoritative historical text on the period of Three Kingdoms covering from 189 to 280 and Luo Guanzhong's re-telling. The main story, events, and description of characters appearing in novel are useful and transferable material to computer games. We analyze against main elements of game that are narrative architectures, scenario types, and the design of characters and background. The narrative of game is non-linar, which is contrasted to that of historical novel. Game has two aspects which conflicts against or harmonized with-as a narrative and as a play. Following the selection and intention of player, game story is developed differently and each player gets other experiences through playing the game. It includes the characterization of character, graphic style, skill, motion, action pattern, role, and so on. Players can re-create a historical story and make a new hero by himself.


게임 구조, 역사 게임, 디지털스토리텔링


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