OECD Podcasts

How can we all help shape better policies for better lives? In just 15 minutes, we bring you insightful interviews with OECD and guest experts on such pressing challenges as inequality and inclusive growth, the digital transformation, social change, the environment, international co-operation, and more.

English Also available in: French

Artificial Intelligence: Managing the ethical challenges

If a self-driving car gets into an accident, who’s to blame — the person in the car, or the technology powering the vehicle? What about the manufacturer? If an automated job-search tool discriminates based on race or gender, who’s at fault — the software, or the company? We look at the complex ethical challenges central to AI, the fundamental philosophical questions — about human’s relationship with technology — and more practical concerns, about how to best regulate these new tools.


Keywords: artificial intelligence, The Technofile

All podcasts express the opinions of the interview subjects and do not necessarily represent the official views of the OECD and/or OECD Member countries.

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