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Independent Validation of the Temperate Super-Earth HD 79211 b using HARPS-N

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jats:titleAbstract</jats:title> jats:pWe present high-precision radial velocities (RVs) from the HARPS-N spectrograph for HD 79210 and HD 79211, two M0V members of a gravitationally bound binary system. We detect a planet candidate with a period of jats:inline-formula jats:tex-math

</jats:tex-math> <mml:math xmlns:mml="" overflow="scroll"> mml:msubsup mml:mrow mml:mn24.421</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> mml:mrow mml:mo−</mml:mo> mml:mn0.017</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> mml:mrow mml:mo+</mml:mo> mml:mn0.016</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> </mml:msubsup> </mml:math> <jats:inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="ajac9ccdieqn1.gif" xlink:type="simple" /> </jats:inline-formula> days around HD 79211 in these HARPS-N RVs, validating the planet candidate originally identified in CARMENES RV data alone. Using HARPS-N, CARMENES, and RVs spanning a total of 25 yr, we further refine the planet candidate parameters to jats:italicP</jats:italic> = 24.422 ± 0.014 days, jats:italicK</jats:italic> = 3.19 ± 0.27 m sjats:sup−1</jats:sup>, jats:italicM</jats:italic> sin jats:italici</jats:italic> = 10.6 ± 1.2jats:italicM</jats:italic> jats:sub⊕</jats:sub>, and jats:italica</jats:italic> = 0.142 ± 0.005 au. We do not find any additional planet candidate signals in the data of HD 79211, nor do we find any planet candidate signals in HD 79210. This system adds to the number of exoplanets detected in binaries with M-dwarf members and serves as a case study for planet formation in stellar binaries.</jats:p>



5109 Space Sciences, 51 Physical Sciences, Rare Diseases

Journal Title

The Astronomical Journal

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American Astronomical Society
National Science Foundation (NSF) (DGE1745303)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (NNX17AB59G)
UKRI ∣ Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) (ST/V004735/1)
UKRI ∣ Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) (ST/R000824/1)
UKRI ∣ Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) (ST/V000861/1)
UK Space Agency (UKSA) (ST/R003203/1)