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Protein-truncating variants in BSN are associated with severe adult-onset obesity, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease

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Chukanova, Maria 
Kentistou, Katherine 
Fairhurst-Hunter, Zammy 
Siegert, Anna 


Obesity is a major risk factor for many common diseases and has a substantial heritable component. To identify novel genetic determinants, we performed exome-sequence analyses for adult body mass index (BMI) in up to 587,027 individuals. We identified rare, loss-of-function variants in two genes (BSN and APBA1) with effects substantially larger than well-established obesity genes such as MC4R. In contrast to most other obesity-related genes, rare variants in BSN and APBA1 were not associated with normal variation in childhood adiposity. Furthermore, BSN protein-truncating variants (PTVs) magnified the influence of common genetic variants associated with BMI, with a common polygenic score exhibiting an effect twice as large in BSN PTV carriers than non-carriers. Finally, we explored the plasma proteomic signatures of BSN PTV carriers as well as the functional consequences of BSN deletion in human iPSC-derived hypothalamic neurons. Collectively, our findings implicate degenerative processes in synaptic function in the etiology of adult-onset obesity.



Journal Title

Nature Genetics

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Nature Research
MRC (MC_UU_00006/1)
MRC (MC_UU_00006/2)
MRC (MR/S026193/1)
MRC (MC_UU_00014/1)
Wellcome Trust (207462/Z/17/Z)
New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF-R-156)
Wellcome Trust (211221/Z/18/Z)
MRC (MC_UU_00014/5)
Wellcome Trust (208363/Z/17/Z)