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No. 9. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.467-472

V. V. Semenov, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist,
St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

The Method of Forming Informative Features in Tasks of Quantitative Analysis of Objects

The method of forming informative features in tasks of quantitative analysis of objects was proposed. The developed method was tested on the data array obtained during the experiment on real industrial samples. As a result of the application of the developed method, due to the formation of a unique feature space, it was possible to significantly reduce the root-mean-square error of prediction compared to the results previously published in the scientific literature. The described approach can be applied in the manufacturing of "Industry 4.0" in order to identify sources that carry information about the parameters of objects or individual technological processes.
Keywords: formation of informative features, multivariate data processing, time series, quantitative analysis

P. 467-472


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