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No. 5. Vol. 25. 2019

DOI: 10.17587/it.25.293-299

N. A. Grusho, Candidate of Science (PhD) in physics and mathematics, e-mail:, E. E. Timonina, Doctor of Science (Tech), Professor, e-mail:,Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center "Computer Scienses and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Comparison of Architectures of Multi-Agent Systems

Usage of the new or existing information systems is connected with need transfer of data acquisition about the incidents arising in them and also with transfer identification of the reasons of these incidents. If information systems have a set of hosts and also there are communications of information among them, then the logs accumulated for a small period can have a huge amount of records. It is natural that administrators of information systems are not able to carry out the full and detailed analysis of such information for a short period. In this paper architectures of multi-agent systems which are carrying out collection of data on incidents in information systems for the purpose of their further automatic analysis are considered.
Keywords: agents, multi-agent systems, architecture of multi-agent systems, information technologies

P. 293–299

Acknowledgements: The work was carried out with the partial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 18-29-03081-microns).

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