최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

카나비노이드 수용체 활성화 및 TRPV1 억제를 통한 arachidonoyl-serotonin (AA-5-HT)의 진통 효과

Antinociceptive Effects of Arachidonoyl-serotonin (AA-5-HT) by Activation of Cannabinoid Receptor and Inhibition of TRPV1

  • 59

Pain is a noxious sensation caused by tissue damage, which can severely interfere with a person’s quality of life. Although numerous analgesics are available for eradicating pain, there remain limitations in terms of safety and efficacy. This review focuses on arachidonoyl-serotonin (AA-5-HT) − an endogenous lipid with a putative antinociceptive effect. After detailed investigation, previous studies have revealed that AA-5-HT can stimulate the cannabinoid system, which results in the inhibition of pain sensation. Moreover, AA-5-HT can inhibit the action of TRPV1, which is a nonselective cation channel that mediates pain signals in the nervous system. This dual effect makes AA-5-HT a potentially safe and potent analgesic. This review summarizes the roles of the cannabinoid system and TRPV1 in pain sensation, and the function of AA-5-HT in pain modulation.

서 론(Introduction)

통증의 분자생물학적 기전

AA-5-HT의 통증 억제 기전

결 론(Conclusion)

감사의 말씀(Acknowledgment)

Conflict of Interest

