
This study reports the overview, performances and improvement process of the Japanese language teacher training which was performed by Korea Japanese Teacher’s Association in Seoul regarding Korean secondary education. The training program led by Japanese native speakers was given from 2004 to 2011. A total of four Japanese native speakers gave Japanese lessons to current middle and high-school teachers. The purpose of the training was to help them improve their Japanese proficiency. The 8-year long training can be divided into three stages: From the 1st to 2nd stages, the program was aimed to reduce the burden of the training and accept various people. During the period from the 2nd to 3rd stages, the program was targeted to help trainees improve spoken Japanese skills and build competence as a Japanese language teacher. The program was meaningful in that many Japanese native speakers continuously participated in the training program and were able to have a better understanding of the program and students. The effects of the training program were analyzed through a questionnaire survey which was conducted for the past 8 years. The survey found the followings: The program was effective in terms of conversation, intimacy and exchange with others. In particular, improvement of conversation skills and exchange with other people was possible because of face-to-face education. In addition, Japanese native speakers were able to have a glimpse at Korean secondary education through their students. As Japanese native speakers continue to participate in the Japanese language teacher training program as Japanese teachers, it would be necessary to develop a new training program which reflects the findings above.


教師研修(Teacher Training), 中等教育(Secondary Education), 日本語母語話者教師(Japanese native speaker teachers), 日本語非母語話者教師(Japanese non-native speaker teachers), ソーシャルネットワーキングアプローチ(Social networking approach), アーティキュレ-ション(Articulation)


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