
Chosŏn met a transitional period of civilization and history in the end of century. At this point of time, an intellectual had one's point for face to transition and carried out a realistic practice. It was based on one's knowledge and leaning. We must consider their's variation stand. Then I consider a part through Hyo-WonSik. He was an intellectual of Yŏngnam district. He was concerned about social reform. It was taken opportunity by enthronement of King Go-Jong and governing of Sir Dae-Won. He indicated his consciousness through some a memorial to the Throne. I will look his civilized view and thought of idealistic restoration through his memorial to the Throne. Also his leanging was taken root to tradition of practical science. From this point, I hope to see the future developments of practical science.


Hyo-WonSik, the end of century, civilized view, thought of idealistic restoration, an intellectual of Yŏngnam district, a memorial to the Throne, Eastern pen-etration of Western powers


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