
Love is the eternal and the most common theme of literary works in all ages and countries. Chinese poetry about love is called ‘Yeomjungsi(艶情詩)’·‘Aejungsi(愛情詩)’·‘Hyangyeomchesi(香奩體詩)’ in Chinese and Korean academic world . The origin of love song is 『the Book of Odes』 in China, while it is the ancient songs like a 'Hwangjoga' in Korea. The tradition of Chinese poetry about love is as much long and old. If we look at the history of Chinese poetry, the speaker is divided into two parts, man and womam. The writer of chinese poetry written by male speaker is man. But the writer of Chinese poetry written by female speaker is man or woman. And chinese poetry written by female speaker is divided into two types. One type is that the speaker is the heroine of the poem, the other type is that the speaker has a objective point of view. In fact, our ancestor as a man of noble birth scorned singing about true love between male and female. Fortunately, however, not all poets thought so. Some poets from noble birth recognized love between male and female as intrinsic feelings of human. Even a part of poets translated popular songs about love into Chinese poetry in Goryeo periods In this scipt, I examined the significance of a literary history of ‘Yeomjungsi(艶情詩)’·‘Yeomjungsi(艶情詩)’ written in Goryeo periods is to be classified into three types; poetry about pleasure of love, poetry about agony of farewell, poetry about betrayal. I considered the techniques of expression and aesthetic characteristics in these poetry. No poetry doesn't sing about life more heartily and sadly than a love song. ‘Yeomjungsi(艶情詩)’ makes the people a present of laughter and tears through showing various aspect of love. Readers indirectly experiences love affair via poetry. This is aesthetic attractiveness and literary benefit of ‘Yeomjungsi(艶情詩)’


Yeomjungsi(艶情詩), Aejungsi(愛情詩), Hyangyeomche(香奩體), Gungche(宮體), Okdaeche(玉臺體), love song, poem about love, male speaker, female speaker, a point of view


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