
In the Orient, 'Yeong-sa-si(詠史詩-Historical Poem)' was established with approaching Bango(班固)'s Yeong-sa(詠史)" in the Han Dynasty of China, and was recognized as a poem and one type in poetry with entering Sotong(蕭統)'s 「mun seun」(文選). A concept of 'Yeong-sa-si' implies a poem of reciting history. 'Yeong -sa-si' is clearly indicated the meaning of 'reciting history' in a word, thereby having not prescribed a special definition or concept from the beginning. On top of the universal concept, it is divided into several forms of sub-concept. It can be divided into Sa-jeon-hyeong(史傳型), which was loyal only to trans -mission of a historical fact, Yeong-hoe-hyeong(詠懷型), which emphasized a writer's affectionate remembrances, Sa-ron-hyeong(史論型), which centered on a writer's historical criticism, Ui-ron-hyeong(議論型), which focused on criticism and recitation in sentiments, Hoe-go-hyeong(懷古型), which con -centrated on looking back on history, and Akbu-si-hyeong(樂府詩型), which recited history from the perspective of a song. However, the actual state in each work is showing the composite feature that this character is partially overlapped, thereby being important to grasp the actual state in a work. Korean poets recited Chinese history similarly in a pome to which the word called 'Yeong-sa(詠史)' is attached, and attached special names such as 「Dong -myeong-wang-pyeon」(東明王篇), 「Yeong-dong-guk-go-sa」(詠東國故事), and 「Dok-yeo-sa-yu-gam」(讀麗史有感)as for what addressed our history. Yeong -sa-si embodies history poetically, thereby having limitation to which an individual's pure lyricism cannot help getting weak compared to general poem. Yeong-sa-si is poetically embodied together the expression on historical events and figures and a writer's thought about this, thereby having duality called 'history and poem.' This point is the character peculiar to Yeong-sa-si. Korea's typical works in Yeong-sa-si include Lee Gyu-bo's(李奎報) 「Dong -myeong-wang-pyeon」(東明王篇),LeeSeung-hyu's(李承休) 「Je-wang- un-gi」 (帝王韻紀), Yu Deuk-gong's(柳得恭) 「I-sip-il-do-hoe-go-si」(二十一都懷古詩), and 「Yeong-sa-ak-bu」(詠史樂府). These poems in Yeong-sa-si showed historical consciousness that tries to subjectively understand and positively analyze our history, and left works in different character from Yeong-sa-si in China. In the meantime, even many poems in the Korean alphabet were composed that sang our history, thus Korean Yeong-sa-si came to be reborn with new and diverse features.


詠史詩, 班固, 「詠史」, 蕭統, 「文選」, 「東明王篇」 「讀麗史有感」, 李奎報, 李承休, 「帝王韻紀」, 柳得恭, 「二十一都懷古詩」, 詠史樂府


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