Czech J. Anim. Sci., 2004, 49(5):226-230 | DOI: 10.17221/4304-CJAS

Airborne noise, structure-borne sound (vibration) and vacuum stability of milking systems

D. Nosal, E. Bilgery
1 Swiss Federal Research Station for Agricultural Economics and Engineering (FAT), Tanikon, Switzerland
2 BITEC Engineering, Romanshorn, Switzerland

Problems with milking and udder health can be attributed to the following causes: (1) sound intensity level (noise) > 65 dB in the milking area, (2) transmission of oscillation (vibration) > 0.3 m/s2 to the body of the cow in the milking parlour, (3) transmission of severe oscillation (vibration) into the vacuum system, (4) assembly and installation faults causing fluid flow problems and hence pressure fluctuations in the vacuum system. By combining technical alterations to a practical unit with the fitting of the Vibrations-schlucker®, it was possible to significantly improve vacuum stability. At the same time noise dropped to one quarter of the original level and vibration was reduced by a factor of five. A significantly reduced working time requirement testified to more pleasant conditions for humans and animals. The results show that the installation requirements according to ISO 5707 (1996) have gaps here. Further studies should specifically define the comfort limits for humans and animals in milking parlours.

Keywords: milking; stress; milking machine; air-borne noise; structure-borne noise; vacuum stability

Published: May 31, 2004  Show citation

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Nosal D, Bilgery E. Airborne noise, structure-borne sound (vibration) and vacuum stability of milking systems. Czech J. Anim. Sci.. 2004;49(5):226-230. doi: 10.17221/4304-CJAS.
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