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역사 자료 말뭉치의 보완과 활용- 언해 자료를 중심으로 -

Complement and utilization of historical Korean language corpus

약어 : KLR
2019 no.53, pp.183 - 218
DOI : 10.16876/klrc.2019..53.183
발행기관 : 한말연구학회
연구분야 : 한국어와문학
Copyright © 한말연구학회
16 회 열람

In this paper, we examined the process of historical Korean language corpus and thought about the limitation of present corpus and future direction. In addition, I have looked at a corner of the process of the Korean lexical system change by examining how the "謗" of the original text has been disputed in various documents as an example of a study using an annotated data corpus arranged side by side with the original Chinese text and the unexamined text. As a way to improve the completeness of the constructed corpus, this paper proposes the following two. The first is to have a physical environment in which anyone who is interested in the document data can access it regardless of the place and the time, and can check the latest version of the corpus text and the high quality picture of the document which is used as the preview directly. The second is to create a system that easily informs the corpus when someone finds an error in the corpus created in the previous environment, corrects corpus after expert review of the collected information, and then periodically updates the corrected corpus. This system should include the release of documents included in the corpus, the retrieval of corpus, and the provision of statistical data. In the future, I hope that a detailed study of the kanji of the original Chinese text and the corresponding vocabulary corresponding to the Chinese text using the parallel corpus of the Korean-translated text will lead to a new chapter in the study of the Korean lexical history.

국어사, 한국어 역사 자료 말뭉치, 한문, 언해문, 병렬 말뭉치
Korean language history, historical Korean language corpus, Chinese sentence, Korean-translated sentence, parallel corpus

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