
This is a diachrony study on the changes in TV Advertisement of the Electrical & Electronic categories. TV Advertisement of the Electrical & Electronic categories-it will be called E&E categories hereafter-on this study goes for refrigerator(including Kimchi refrigerator), washing machine, air conditioner ads largely. These ads is selected according to classification of <TVCF>. TV Advertisement of the E&E categories is divided into 8 types in <TVCF>. Among these 8 types they are evenly distributed over the period from the 1970s to the 2000s. As a result, 425 ads were selected as the subjects of study. The study was conducted to see how text construction is in ads forms and contents. Analysis shows the methods of text construction are confirmed that there are 8 types : CM, CM+M(+J), CM+N(+J), CM+M+N(+J), M(+J), NA(+J), NA+M(+J), and the rest. 'CM' is the case in which ads are composed of CM-song. 'M' is the case in which the only speaker to deliver messages of ads is a model. 'NA' is the case in which the only speakers to deliver messages of ads is a narrator. '+' of each type means two elements upon '+' appear at the same time. For example, 'CM+M' is the case in which model's speech is included in CM ads. J of '(+J)' of each type means Jingle. J is in the bracket. That's because Jingle appears randomly. The essence of results on the analysis are as follows. The most noticeable changes of E&E ads over time are the changes of CM and NA+M(+J). CM is 16.67% in 1970s but it doesn't show up after 1980s. In comparison, NA+M(+J) increases 16.67% in 1970s to 56.68% in 2000s. That's about 3.6 times increase. CM is nothing but 0.71% of total from 1970s to 2000s. The most frequent appearance type at the whole time period is NA+M(+J) and it is about 80 times as large as CM. In comparison, Food ads do not seem to vary significantly between CM and NA+M(+J). There's about 3.2 times's difference between CM and NA+M(+J).


식품 광고, 텍스트성, 정보성, 불연속성, 불일치성


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