
This article summarizes in brief the results of surveys on Korean Romanization systems conducted by the Presidential Council of National Competitiveness in 2009 and by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism in 2010. The acceptance rate in 2009 ranges from 20-22.4% in the western countries. The overall acceptance rate was reported as 46.89% in 2010. This article points out the reasons for the low acceptance rates of the current system of Korean Romaziation. It further suggests how it ought to be revised and supplemented to be the international norm. Lack of the rules for surnames and spacing is two of the most fatal deficiency of the current system that the author points out in this article. He suggests also that the voicing of consonantal onset should be reflected properly and the Romanization of high and mid central vowels should be revised to be pronounced more accurately by non-Korean speakers although Romanization does not have to be phonetically transcriptive.


McCune-Reischauer, Revised Romanization, Yale, Korean Romanization


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